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Anders Behring Breivik: The Terrorist Who is NOT a Christian.

Updated on August 24, 2014
The Oslo bomb explosion, ground level.
The Oslo bomb explosion, ground level.
Anders Behring Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik

On July 22, 2011, thirty-two year old Anders Behring Breivik declared war on the Norwegian town of Oslo. Starting with a car bomb at a seventeen story government building, Breivik went on an hour and a half killing spree. By the time he was stopped, he had killed 98 people, some as young as sixteen. His targets had been Oslo's current and future political elite.

His senseless act of depravity would have gone down in the annals of psycho serial killers had he not published a 1,500-page manifesto, called "2083: A European Declaration of Independence,” which led authorities to label him a right-wing fundamentalist Christian and a Terrorist. His manifesto equates liberalism and multiculturalism with “cultural Marxism,” which the document says is destroying European Christian civilization.

Don't Blame Christianity

Despite the claims of the media and local authorities, Breivik is not a Christian. He is simply a wacko with a political agenda. When evil men use Christian teachings to justify their lusts for political power or for personal gain, Christian doctrine is not to blame. Humanity is evil by nature and must be taught good. Christianity is a tool for teaching good. Holding her responsible for the evil deeds of evil men is comparable to blaming a car for driving too fast and killing its driver. Let it be known that the Bride of Christ did not lead Anders Behring Breivik to his despicable crimes. He was guided by his own evil nature and delusional fantasies. He is nothing more than a lunatic with a Catholic background, who dreams of the days of Knights Templars and Catholic imperialism.

A close look into Breivik's Christianity revealed he doesn't claim to have a relationship with God or Jesus Christ. Making folks like me wonder why he would think himself a Christian? Turns out he has grabbed onto a notion that seems to be gaining in popularity. He aligns himself with Christian culture and not Christian theology. He considers himself a cultural Christian in much the same way that prominent New Atheist Richard Dawkins has. On page 1307 of his Manifesto he writes:

“If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social identity, and moral platform. This makes us Christian.” Anders Behring Breivik

Being born in a country, culture, or home that is predominantly Christian doesn't make a person a Christian any more than being born in a hospital makes you a doctor. Only a personal, intimate, and tangible relationship with God makes you a Christian.

Subscribing to Christianity only as a culture, social identity, and moral platform is what led to Catholic Imperialism. Catholicism is a works based theocracy that removes the personal and intimate relationship from Christianity. Traditions, priests, and purgatory stand between you, your Bible and your savior. The whole purpose of Christ's life, death, and resurrection was to reconcile man to God on a personal level. The personal and intimate relationship with God is what makes Christianity work. With out this relationship, Christianity is nothing but rules and regulations. A tasteless thing that has no flavor. Purposely avoiding a personal relationship with God is like eating the most delicious thing in the world while plugging your nose. For those who are inclined to try such tomfoolery, Luke 13 22-27 makes it clear that you are a Christian because you have a personal, intimate relationship with God through Christ Jesus. There is no other option.

Luke 13: 22-27 And He (Jesus) went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’

It is my prayer that our relationship with God is personal, intimate and tangible. That we would know Christ and the power of his resurrection. That our joy would be unspeakable, and that folks who are standing at a distance would be drawn ever closer to Christ so that they too could taste and see that the Lord is good.

Psalm 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Post Script

On August 24th 2012

Ander Behring Breivik was found to be sane and was sentenced to 21 years by A Norwegian court. According to the BBC, He admitted his crimes and told the court he would not appeal. He insisted he was sane and refused to plead guilty, saying last year's attacks were necessary to stop the "Islamisation" of Norway.

Prosecutors had called for him to be considered insane.

Breivik was convicted of terrorism and premeditated murder, and given the maximum sentence of 21 years' imprisonment.

However, that can be prolonged at a later date if he is deemed to remain a danger to society.

Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen said that the court considered him to be narcissistic, but not psychotic. She imposed a sentence of "preventive detention", a special prison term for criminals considered dangerous to society. Making it possible to imprison Mr. Breivik beyond the 21 years she he remain a threat to society.


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